Newport 2012: Lost Bag!

I lost my beloved Chris Jones CD! My prizedRoadhouses and Automobiles, on the prized Stockfisch label, is somewhere out there in the world. Unfortunately — and adding injury to insult — it was in the bag with my show notes.

[insert snarling string of curses here]

I know just what happened. In was on Sunday, in the Burmester room while Anne Bisson was singing, someone snagged my bag by accident and left his in it’s place. Could have been John Atkinson or David Robinson — both of them were there at the time. Anyway, all I have is a lousy Teldec of a Tschaikowski symphony and a lot of redundant literature now.

Anyway, the word “bummer” doesn’t cover my dismay.

“Notebook! Oh notebook! Where art, thou, notebook?”

Okay — so, here’s the deal. With that book, I can finish my show coverage about a week earlier than I could if I have to retrace all the juicy bits, so yeah, a cash reward is being offered for the recovery of this priceless artifact! Preferably with the notebook.

What? You thought I was talking about the notebook?

Yeah, okay, I really need that too.

So, if you have it, you know what to do. And, no, eBay isn’t it. Just send me your details and I’ll arrange shipping and your huge reward.

About Scot Hull 1063 Articles
Scot started all this back in 2009. He is currently the Publisher here at PTA, the Publisher at The Occasional Magazine, and the Executive Producer at The Occasional Podcast. There are way too many words about him over on the Contributors page.