Headphone Commute “… and darkness came” still donating for Hurricane Sandy Relief

I think it was about a year ago that I first downloaded (and contributed) the monster-sized album … and darkness came from Headphone Commute. The album was put together as a relief campaign, benefiting Hurricane Sandy victims through some organizations with special programs in place to help them. They donated $20k last year and are about $1,500 from another $10k contribution mark. Check out the details from Headphone Commute, below the fold. 

Dear friends,

Last year, when Hurricane Sandy drove me out for a week, I couldn’t help but appreciate how fortunate I was to be able to return to an intact home with heat and electricity, knowing full well that there were many others out there, left stranded, hungry and cold. To raise funds and awareness, Headphone Commute spearheaded a benefit compilation, titled “… and darkness came,” to which you have so generously contributed. In less than one month, the release raised $20,000, and as promised, all the proceeds were donated to two charities: Doctors Without Borders and The Humane Society.

After the initial peak of activity the sales have slowed, but I am happy to report that even with a small daily trickle of funds, I am preparing to donate another $10,000 in January of 2014! We are about $1,500 away from meeting this goal, and I’m writing to you today to ask for another little push, either by spreading the word or by grabbing yet another copy of the album as gift for a friend! During the holiday times of giving, what better gift could there be than that of music? This is a modest $10 gift that you can feel really good about!

And this is not just about Sandy and the US! The funds are going to charity organizations that are providing humanitarian aid in places like Bangui, Syria, and most notably, the Philippines, where a powerful Typhoon Haiyan has left many homeless. And don’t forget all the animals – over 100,000 animals and pets have received care because of people like you!

Last, but not least, a huge, warm and fuzzy THANK YOU, for all that you have already done! I feel very honored to be acknowledged and supported by you! I wish you all the best in 2014!!!



  1. LOVE this compilation! Been crankin’ it since they dropped it – and its for a great cause! Warren Chi also added it to his list in our Audio360.org Favorite Albums of 2013 article last week! KILLER – everybody from Boy is Fiction to Burial.

  2. I feel badly that I totally missed out on this incredible initiative last year, so thanks John for posting this and giving me a chance to contribute – better late than never as the old saying goes!

      • You can tell us apart fairly easily. For one thing, Darko is the giant that will loom over you like a tottering tree. 😉

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