Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2014 Opens Tomorrow

Logo - Blue VectorThe Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, 2014 Edition, starts this Friday.

RMAF is the largest of the consumer-oriented audio shows, and this year boasts over 160 rooms, stuffed to the rafters with hi-fi gear and demos. 160 rooms. 160! And that doesn’t count the 60 or so CanJam demos/displays.

Holy guacamole.

Into the fray step your intrepid reporters. There will be five of us this year. Next year, maybe we’ll plan ahead and staff up — I’m thinking that 8 might be a good number, though 12 really ought to have been the target. Oh well. Five will have to do.

Our sister-site, The Audio Traveler, will be carrying the load for the next several weeks, so be sure to tune in.

Wish us luck!