Newport 2015: Schiit Audio


THEShow_LOGO2015Schiit‘s Jason Stoddard, past Writer of the Future, smiles almost too easily these days. The Schiit machine has been spitting out winning products with an alarming regularity. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he was starting to feel confident. What else could make someone trapped in the Headphone Shed for a weekend flash that grin so often?

Maybe he’s earned a bit of confidence. Schiit’s Shed-spanning display started on the left, with the low-end, $79 Fulla dingus driving a pair of Massdrop’s AKG K7xx bassmeisters to satisfyingly crunchy levels. The broad middle of their table was filled with the broad middle of their market-encompassing range. The far, right end of the display, though, was where the real draws sat: the Ragnarok amplifier ($1699) and Yggdrasil dac ($2299). There was already an audition line for those by 11am Friday.

Please understand: I don’t do lines. I’m not a patient person. As far as I’m concerned, lines are worse than Kryptonite Muzak. I once stayed sober at an all-day, outdoor Irish festival in July because the beer line was twenty jackasses too deep (and trust me, the music was bad enough that I really needed that beer). I don’t even care about this job enough to wait in any kind of a line.

I waited for my turn here as though Sister Celestine were still standing guard over my first grade class with a metal ruler. Then I went back for seconds. The rest is my private business. Our Esteemed Editor has an Yggy in his stereo cave right now. You can bug him for his report. All I’m going to say here is that Jason is probably going to keep smiling for a good, long while.

Proud to sponsor Part-Time Audiophile and The Audio Traveler at THE Show in Newport 2015!


