Nelson Pass Interview – Part 2 | The Occasional Podcast

Pass Labs, First Watt, Burning Amp, and more!

The Occasional Podcast: Nelson Pass Interview

Chances are if you’ve been into high fidelity audio very long you’ve heard of Nelson Pass. His big watt amplifiers from Pass Labs make up their own little corner of audiophile history, and his First Watt creations take things down a whole other path. This release of the Occasional Podcast explores the second part of the Nelson Pass interview, recorded directly with the man himself at the 2019 Burning Amp Festival in San Francisco.

Special thanks to Pass Labs’ PR rep Bryan Stanton for setting up this interview. It took some doing, but it was a great experience sitting down with Nelson and getting a chance to visit the Burning Amp event.

Part two focuses on the latter half of Nelson’s career, starting with the creation of his side project First Watt. Part one is available here, and directly in the embed from the original post.

This Nelson Pass interview travels down the path of his long history in the hobby, stopping by notable vistas along the way. It also gets into some of the broader looks at hi-fi, where we are heading – in reaction to where we have been. A lot has changed over the years for both Nelson and the hobby, his vantage point offers an interesting perspective on these changes and what it all means to the avid music and/or gear lover. Nelson has designed loudspeakers at one point in his career, fallen in love with exotic parts, and created a following of fans that he still talks to on a daily basis via forums and email.

You can stream it all direct from the embed below or subscribe to The Occasional Podcast on your favorite podcast platform including iTunes, AndroidGoogle, Deezer, Spotify, iHeartRadio and more.

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About Brian Hunter 137 Articles
Brian Hunter is the host of The Occasional Podcast by Part-Time Audiophile and the founder of