Sonus Faber Olympica Nova and “Press Day” | RMAF 2019

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You might have already seen my review of the Sonus Faber Olympica Nova I which appeared yesterday–the publication was timed to coincide with the unveiling of the entire Sonus Faber Olympica Nova line at the 2019 Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. Other than the assorted meet-and-greets and the occasional exhibit room that was already set up and playing music, the Sonus Faber event seemed like it was the only game in town.

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Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2019 coverage sponsored by Core Power Technologies A/V

Before I talk about the excellence of the new Sonus Faber Olympica Nova line–which includes center channels, on-wall speakers and a full range of loudspeakers that run from $6,500-$16,500/pair, I might have to say a few things about “press days.” You, the general public, might not care about this–it’s basically a day, usually Thursday, where the press gets to come in and beat the crowds. Maybe get some one on one time with manufacturers and exhibitors. It’s a good idea, in theory.

Here’s the problem. Very few of the rooms were open, since Thursday is usually set-up day. Even if you’re as well-prepared as Sonus Faber, you might still be working out the bugs in the system. (In my experience, set-up days for RMAF were usually the toughest since the rooms at the old venue were acoustically problematic. There doesn’t seem to be the same problem at the sparkly new and ginormous Gaylord.) You know when rooms sound their best? On Sunday, the last day of the show, when the systems have been playing for three or four days straight.

Just my two cents, of course. But as an exhibitor, I ignored press day. Thursdays were far too hectic. That day was reserved for putting out fires, not for lengthy interviews with the press.

Thankfully, the Sonus Faber Olympica Nova event was superb in every way. I was impressed with the Nova I I just reviewed, but the top-of-the-line Olympica Nova 5 was outstanding. You get that precise soundstaging and silky, extended highs with thundering bass response–all in the gorgeous Sonus Faber package. The Nova V is only $15,000/pair, but it has the same feel and authority of those big, coffin-sized monoliths that are much more expensive.

I’ll be following this Sonus Faber Olympica Nova preview with an interview with the people involved, so stick around for more coverage!

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