Sonic Studio Announces MQA Support with Amarra Luxe 4.1

Amarra Luxe 4.1 now supports MQA.

I’ve been a long-term fan of Amarra and the recent massive upgrade to Version 4 has been terrific in both sound and user interface.  Sonic Studio has now included MQA support in the Luxe version.  I will be getting the Luxe version soon to experiment with but the new release has allowed my standard version to offer better sound.

From the press release:

November 17, 2017: Sonic Studio announces the release of Amarra 4 Luxe v4.1 featuring integrated MQA audio technology. MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) delivers the sound of the original master recording. MQA files are fully authenticated and small enough to stream or download, while also being backward compatible, so they can be played on any device.

Amarra 4 Luxe supports local MQA file playback and additionally supports TIDAL MQA Streaming for HiFi subscribers. Amarra users without an MQA-enabled DAC can enjoy MQA decoding at 2x sample rates (88.2kHz or 96kHz), while users with an MQA-enabled DAC will hear full MQA with the original sample rate, platform-specific DAC compensation and sample rates up to 8x (352kHz or 384kHz).

With Amarra 4 Luxe users can sort, search, navigate, and play back their entire music collection. World class DSP includes multi-stage up-sampling as well as a fully customizable, professional-level EQ, with pre-sets for different genres, speakers or headphones. Amarra 4 Luxe supports Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) or higher as well as Windows 8 & 10 (MQA pending).

Jonathan Reichbach, CEO of Sonic Studio: “Sonic Studio is excited to release the first MQA integration and experience for the Amarra family of products. With direct MQA decoding, consumers will now experience unrivalled music reproduction. With Windows MQA support coming soon our future plans include iOS integration for MQA streaming/offline playback, DSP processing and more.

Mike Jbara, CEO of MQA: “It’s good news for music fans that we continue to expand the reach of MQA through partner integrations and the Amarra range is a great addition.”

About Lee Scoggins 118 Articles
A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Lee got interested in audio listening to his Dad’s system in the late 70s and he started making cassettes from LPs. By the early 80s he got swept up in the CD wave that was launching which led to a love of discs from Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs. Later while working on Wall Street in the 90s, Lee started working on blues, jazz and classical sessions for Chesky Records and learned record engineering by apprenticeship. Lee was involved in the first high resolution recordings which eventually became the DVD-Audio format. Lee now does recordings of small orchestras and string quartets in the Atlanta area. Lee's current system consists of Audio Research Reference electronics and Wilson Audio speakers.


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