AXPONA 2014: Happy Birthday and a Video Interlude


Happy birthday to me … Happy birthday to me … Happy b-i-i-i-rthday, to me-e-e-e-e, happy birthday to me!

What’s that? Yes, today is May 6th, 2014 and today is my 45th birthday. Thank you for all the kind wishes! I have to say, this is weird. I mean, really weird. Like Invasion of the Body Snatchers weird. Who is that dude in the mirror?

Anyway, today I’m calling a timeout. A King’s X. A day of rest, whatever “rest” is. So, with that, I’ll leave you with these videos, courtesy of my colleagues at AXPONA this year. The first is from Brian Hunter of Audio-Head, who recorded the panel I moderated, “Which Headphone Is Right For You?” I’m told that everyone sustaining injuries during that hour has been amply compensated and are expected to make full recoveries. Thank goodness. Next time, I’ll pass on the chainsaw juggling. I promise.

The second video comes from Steven Rochlin at EnjoyTheMusic.TV. I snuck in to the streaming lineup of Steven’s coverage, and was able to report on the show from about ½ of the way through it. Not a complete view, but interesting, I hope. And yes, apologies — there was a little bit of caffeine going on there. Ahem.

As for me, here, well I’ll have my own videos up soon — and more coverage of AXPONA as well. Stay tuned.

And so, with that, let me cast forth a mighty “Cheers!” And should you feel so inclined, please hoist a tasty adult beverage in my general direction at some point today. I’ll be sure to return the favor. 

About Scot Hull 1063 Articles
Scot started all this back in 2009. He is currently the Publisher here at PTA, the Publisher at The Occasional Magazine, and the Executive Producer at The Occasional Podcast. There are way too many words about him over on the Contributors page.


  1. Have a great Birthday!! It’s also the anniversary of Michael Jordan’s ‘shot that beat the Cavaliers’ 25 years ago!! I happened to be taking a break Sunday afternoon of the NOLA Jazz and Heritage Fest, sitting at the Bar in the Maison DePuy with a half dozen Cav’s fans….they riled me the whole game, until MJ sank that bucket…fun day I’ll always remember.

  2. Happy Birthday Scott. My twin boys turned 16 yesterday (May 5th). A pair of teenagers with their drivers permit….oh my.
    My 45th is June 23rd. Right behind ya…

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. AXPONA 2014: JH Audio and allure of in-ear monitors | Confessions of a Part-Time Audiophile
  2. AXONA 2014: Wrap Up | Confessions of a Part-Time Audiophile

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